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You have everything you need inside to heal & transform...


This is Trish Reiki Level I & II (3).png






You have everything you need inside to heal & transform...



This is Trish Reiki Level I & II (3).png
This is Trish Reiki Level I & II (3).png
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Meet your guide,
Trish Campbell

Move out of your head...




We think we can figure it all out in our mind but the real work happens through our heart; through our soul.


This is Trish, and I am here to support and guide you to align with your Divine inner-knowing. 


Healing is a requirement for our evolution.


HEALING INVITES us to show up for ourselves and meet our emotions head on. 


Healing our emotional body, we can let go of whatever it is that is blocking us and experience true MIND-BODY-SOUL CONNECTION that allows us to reach our true potential; to LIVE OUR FULLEST AND BEST LIFE.


Our SOUL KNOWS the journey it came here to take, yet often, we get in our own way of that by getting stuck in self-limiting beliefs that are rooted in past experiences that perhaps convinced us that we were unworthy, or not good enough… that what we need is OUTSIDE of ourselves, when in truth, 


we have everything we need already inside of us.


Let’s uncover it TOGETHER!

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A better, kinder, more heart-centered world begins with us. 
It begins with healing our relationship with ourselves, letting go of the external script, and remembering who we are.


Are you ready to remember who you are again and heal?

Book a Free 30-Minute Intro Call w/ Trish
Services &Solutions
Lotus Flower


Healing and transformation doesn't solely happen through the mind; it happens through the body; through the heart and Soul. Through practices such as Reiki energy healing, we can experience profound healing and transformation in all our bodies: mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual.

You have everything you need inside of you to live life embodying your best version of self... I help you uncover it.

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Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energetic healing and self-care using guided Universal life force energy that helps with one's overall well-being by stimulating your body’s natural healing abilities. Healing doesn't happen in the mind; it happens in the heart and soul!

Learn more.

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As energy is not bound by time or space, the power of Reiki Universal life force energy sent to the recipient is the same whether in-person or from a distance; we don’t even need to use a tech device such as zoom, although my clients and I agree, this makes the distance session feel more like an in-person session. 

Learn more.

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Practicing self-care, creative expression  and healing as a group can also help amplify the energy for our collective and individual healing, which feels so needed right now. If you have a group of friends that would like to try this healing energy out together, this is for YOU! Custom group sessions can include Reiki Energy healing, as well as creative expression components like writing and art workshops. Email to inquire about a customized group session.

Supporting a psychologically healthy workplace environment can help employees feel valued as human beings and feel empowered in their role and as part of a team. Employees who feel valued often are more engaged, perform better and go beyond the basic expectations for their role to help the organization achieve it's goals.

Workplace Wellness Workshops can include Meditation, Reiki Healing, Creative Expression - Art, Writing or a combination of modalities. This can look like individuals registering for group sessions, or teams/departments attending a group session together. As every workplace is unique, I will work with you to create the optimal offering for your team. Email to inquire about custom workshops.

Group Healing Sessions
Practice Areas

what Trish's clients are saying

David George Brooke - That Gratitude Guy

Nadine Searle - Your Calmer Self Coach

My in-person session with Trish was such a beautiful experience. Like the virtual sessions, I felt the physical relaxation, relief in sore areas of my body, and peace/calmness, but the difference with the in person session is that I felt these effects more intensely for a few days after the reiki. Lots of emotions and feelings also came up following the session, but it was all very therapeutic to experience... For anyone that is looking for some guidance and support with their healing, reiki is such a beautiful thing to welcome into your life! For me, the most important thing was to find someone that I was comfortable with, who’s intentions are genuine and someone that facilitates a safe and loving space... and I found all of that in Trish <3
- - - K. Djuric , Mississauga Ontario

nature element + soul inspired art

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awakening to healing, self-love, and liberation


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